Adopted at the 6th ICKF General Assmbly Meeting held on December 31.2002
Article 1
These regulations shall be officially known as”The ICKF International Grading System Regulations”hereinafter referred to as”these Regulations”or”the Regulations”.
Article 2
The ICKF hereby enacts these Regulations with the objectives of furthering the development of Kuoshu, the establishment of Kuoshu “Tuan” and “Chih” Grading System, promotion of international co-operation and the propagation of Chinese culture.(The term”Kuoshu”shall be the abbreviated form of the official description of “Chinese Kuoshu”)
Article 3
These Regulations have been enacted in accordance with Article 9 of”Measaures for Establishment of Sports Supplementary Schools”issued by the Ministry of Education, Republic of China, on 17 August 1976;letter reference number 21847.
Article 4
The examinations for conferring “Tuan”and “Chih”on Kuoshu Practitioners of the ICKF shall be based on these Regulations.
However, for overseas members of ICKF, the examination for conferring “Tuan”and “Chih”on kuoshu practitioners will be separately enacted in line with the provisions of these regulations.
Article 5
The ICKF shall establish a Kuoshu Grading Committee (“the Committee”) responsible for implementing these Regulations. The members, including chairman, deputy chairman of the Committee numbering between 7 and 11, shall be nominated by the President of the ICFK and be appointed by the ICKF Executive Board for a term of 4 years, after which they are eligible for reelection.
Article 6
The Kuoshu Grading Committee established under article 5 shall be the highest world authority for the grading of practitioners of Kuoshu .The Committee shall be responsible for the supervision and review of Grading Examinations conducted by the following subordinate organisations:-
- For examination for promotion up to and including 4th Tuan by each ICKF- recognized national federation;
- For examination for promotion up tp and including 3rd Tuan by each ICKF-recognised sub-national federalion.
- The examination for promation of Tuan by kuoshu associations immediately under the ICKF, shall be implemented under regulutions separately authorised by the ICKF.
- Intstructors of Kuoshu training units or schools, who have been duly qualified are empowered by the ICKF to carry out Chih Grading Examination.
Article 7
The ICKF Tuan and Chih certifications,which are uniformly prepared by the ICKF,shall be requisitioned only by the authorised organisations referred to in article 6.
Article 8
The “Tuan” and “Chih” Examination Committee’s measures and administrative procedures for the Tuan and Chih Grading Examinations shall be enacted through a panel discussion chaired by the chairman.
Article 9
The authorised organisations (see article 6) shall enact their own measures and administrative procedures in line with the Provisions of these regulations.
Article 10
All individuals who are members, in their respective nations, of an ICKF –Recognised National Federation, including those who are under the age of 20 and hold up to 2nd Tuan, shall be eligible to apply for Tuan Grading Examinations.
Article 11
There are six Chih grades (Chih 6 to Chih 1 in descending order of seniority) and ten Tuan grades (1st Tuan to 10th Tuan in ascending order of seniority).
Article 12
Each grade shall be identified by the colour of the Sash(Belt)as follows:-
Grade Description of Sash
Chih 6: White Sash
Chih 5: White Sash with green stripe.
Chih 4: Green Sash
Chih 3: Green Sash with brown stripe.
Chih 2: Brown Sash
Chin 1: Brown Sash with black stripe.
1st Tuan:Black Sash with one yellow stripe.
2and Tuan:Black Sash with two yellow stripes.
3rd Tuan:Black Sash with three yellow srtipes.
4th Tuan:Black Sash with four yellow stripes.
5th Tuan:Black Sash with five yellow stripes.
6th Tuan:Red Sash with one yellow stripes.
7th Tuan:Red Sash with two yellow stripes.
8th Tuan:Red Sash with three yellow stripes.
9th Tuan:Gold Sash.
10th Tuan:Gold Sash With special features.
Articls 13
4th Tuan up to l0th Tuan grade practioners shall be conferred the following official titles;-
Grade Title English Translation
4th Tuan to 6th Tuan:Chiao Lien coach/Instructor
7th Tuan to 8th Tuan:Shih Fu Master
9th Tuan to 10th Tuan:Tao Chang Grandmaster
Article 14
Regulations regarding uniforms, grade insignia, badges, etc shall be separately enacted by the ICKF.
Article 15
TO be eligible for the Chih Grading Examinations,3months or more must have elapsed since the applicant received his last Chih grade.For 1st Tuan, applicants must have received their Chih 1 Grade at least 6 months earlier.
Article 16
For Tuan gradings, each applicant will be allocated activity points (including points earned while the applicant was a Chih grade) based on the results of competitions and other activities that have been officially sanctioned by the appropriate ICKF –Recognised National Federation. (Points shall be allocated in accordance with the table in Appendix 2. This table may be amended, from time to time , by the Committee.)
Article 17
Those organisations and individuals referred to article 6 shall have the authority to conduct Chih Grading Examinations based on the following criteria:-
A. Promotion to Chih 6
- Fundamental Stances
- Mandatory Bare-Hand Fom.
- Bare-Hand form of candidate’s choice
B. Promotion to Chih 5
- Fundmental stances
- Mandatory Bare-Hand Form.
- Form of candidate’s choice.
C. Promotion to Chih 4
- Mandatory Bare-Hand Form.
- Bare-Hand Form of candidate’s choice.
- Weapon Form of candidate’s choice.
D. Promotion to Chih 3
- Mandatory Bare-Hand Form.
- Bare-Hand Form of candidate’s choice
- Weapon Form of candidate’s choice
- Two-Man Set of candidate’s choice
E. Promotion to Chih 2
- Mandatory Bare-Hand Form.
- Bare-Hand Form of candidate’s choice
- Weapon Form of candidate’s choice
- Two-Man Set of candidate’s shoice
F. Promotion to Chih 1
- Mandatory Bare-Hand Form.
- Bare-Hand Form of candidate’s choice
- Weapon Form of candidate’s choice
- Two-Man Set of candidate’s choice
Article 18
In addition to article 10, candidates for Tuan Grade examinations must meet the criteria based on age, number of months/years studying and training since previous grading and the total activity points(see article 16).Those whose “Martial Arts Morality”are judged to be below acceptable standards(such as breach of the law or violation of ICKF rules)shall not be eligible to apply for Tuan Grade examinations.
Grade Tims Since Last Grading Minimum Total Activity
Age Points
1st Tuan 6 months from Chih 1 16 50
2nd Tuan 2 years from 1th Tuan 18 100
3rd Tuan 3 years from 2nd Tuan 21 150
4th Tuan 4 years from 3rd Tuan 24 200
5th Tuan 5 years from 4th Tuan 28 250
6th Tuan 6 years from 5th Tuan 36 300
7th Tuan 7 years from 6th Tuan 43 350
8th Tuan 8 years from 7th Yuan 51 400
9th Tuan 9 years from 8th Tuan 60 or above 450
10th Tuan None 65 or above 500
Article 19
The activity points referred to in articles 16 and 18 shall consist of “service points”(for organising competitions, other events and activities)and “competition points”(for winning or participatioin in competitions).As stated in article 16, these points ahall be allocated in accordance with the table set out in Appendix 2.
Article 20
Only candidates who meet the criteria set out in article 18 will be permitted to take the Tuan Grading Examinations(1st Tuan up to 6th Tuan) which consist of the following:-
A. Promotion to 1st Tuan
- Bare-Hand Form
- Weapon Form
- Strength Test
- Two-Man Set
B. Promotion to 2nd Tuan
- Bare-Hand Form
- Weapon Form
- Strength Test
- Two-Man Set
C. Promotion to 3rd Tuan
- Bare-Hand Form
- Weapon Form
- Two-Man Set
- Kuoshu Rules,Judge & Referee
- Bare-Hand Sanshou, Weapon Chichi
D. Promotion to 4th Tuan
- Bare-Hand Form
- Weapon Form
- Teaching Demonstration
- Sports Injury & Physiology
- Bare-Hand Sanshou ,Weapon Chichi
E. Promotion to 5th Tuan
- Bare-Hand Form
- Weapon Form
- Teaching Demonstration
- Kuoshu Theory
- Bare-Hand Sanshou, Weapon Chichi
F. Promotion to 6th Tuan
- Bare-Hand Form
- Weapon From
- Teaching Demonstratiion
- Kuoshu Theory
- Bare-Hand Sanshou ,Weapon Chichi
The promotion from 7th Tuan upwards will be based on the criteria set out in articles 21 to 23.
The Bare-Hand and weapon Form shall in each instance be those chosen by the candidate. However, the candidate may not perform the same Bare-Hand Froms and Froms using the same weapons as the candidate’s previous Tuan Grading examination.
Article 21
Candidates for promotion to Tuan 7 and 8 shall submit their theses or books on Kuoshu Theory & Practice or demonstration recorded on video. In addition, they wull be required to perform a teaching demonstration and to submit Kuoshu Theory for examination.
Article 22
Only those who have been recommended by their country’s ICKF recognised National Federation in recognition of their dedication, achievments and reputation will be promoted, subjest to the approval of the ICKF ,to 9th Tuan.
Article 23
Only those who have been recommended by their country’s ICKF recognised National Federation for their distinguished contributions to the promotion of Kuoshu, attainment of technical excellence in Kuoshu and their Martial Arts Morality will be promoted, subject to the approval of the ICKF to Sze 10th Tuan.
Article 24
Subject to the approval of the ICKF, the Committee may confer Honorary Tuan grades without examinations for those who have contributed in a special way to the development of Kuoshu .The following are some examples:-
- Generous donation for the development of Kuoshu.
- Promotion of Kuoshu and cultivation of outstanding Kuoshu practitioners.
- Outstanding Kuoshu research and publishing important books on Kuoshu.
- Collecting and studying of historical Kuoshu events and materials which are widely accepted to be important to the development of Kuoshu.
- Outstanding leadership of Kuoshu organisations especially in promoting and popularising Kuoshu.
- Promoting Kuoshu international exchanges and well accomplished.
- Outstanding efforts in developing martial arts morality.
Article 25
Depending on their actual Kuoshu attainments and training, Chih and Tuan grades(maximum 3rd Tuan)may be awarded to children aged 15 or less.A child who is already 2nd or 3rd Tuan can be promoted to the Adult Grade of 1st Tuan without examination when he or she reaches the age of 16. Under this article, each ICKF –recognised National Federation shall be authorised to enact its own exact rules.
Article 26
Fees received for Chih grading examinations, after deducting the cost of certificates, shall be retained by the respective ICKF –Recognised National Federation.
Article 27
50﹪of fees received for Tuan grading examinations shall be retained by the respective ICKF-Recognised National Federation while the other 50﹪shall be paid to the ICKF.The Committee will, from time to time, specify the fees for Chih and Tuan Grading Examinations.
Section 7-By laws
Article 28
These Regulations have been approved by the General Assembly of the ICKF .Any amendments must similarly be approved by the General Assembly of the ICKF.